Allen Firefighters Endorse Lauren Doherty
Today, we are pleased to announce the Allen Firefighters Association fully supports Lauren Doherty for re-election to Allen City Council Place 3. Councilmember Doherty has a proven record of putting our community first, and the Allen Professional Firefighters are proud to vote for Lauren on May 1, 2021. Early voting takes place from April 19 - April 24 and again from April 26 - April 27.
Since being elected to City Council, Lauren Doherty has kept her word and stood by the residents and first responders of Allen. As the city continues to grow, we are confident Lauren will bring responsible and sustainable development to our community, while preserving our identity.
Moving forward councilmember Doherty intends to partner with the Allen Firefighters Association to bring solar technology to our fire stations. These cost-saving initiatives will reduce the city’s impact on the environment and save residents money.
Recently, Lauren sponsored local government code 142, which gives our firefighters and first responders a seat at the table when making decisions that affect the health and safety of the residents of Allen. Councilmember Doherty ensured that our law enforcement officers and firefighters have what we need to make the City of Allen the best, and safest place to live.
As you may know, Councilmember Doherty was instrumental in launching the city’s response to Covid-19. Her common sense and effective response to the virus helped the City of Allen become a leader in Covid-19 vaccination efforts. Lauren is committed to providing us with the tools we need to fight the virus. As first responders, we can’t thank Councilmember Doherty enough for her diligent work to keep the community safe and healthy. Our members are proud to vote for Lauren Doherty and support her re-election to Allen City Council Place 3. Please stand with the Allen Professional Firefighters to re-elect Councilmember Lauren Doherty.
Jeremy Painkin
President of Allen Firefighters Association